Monday, February 2, 2015

Puzzle Cube Reflection

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Assembled Puzzle Cube 

Here's my final completed puzzle cube.
Mean: 88.2
Median: 85
Mode: None
Standard Deviation: 67.79897

Overall my puzzle cube was relatively easy to solve, as many were able to finish it within minutes. Even though it wasn't particularly challenging, it apparently "Makes people feel good about themselves" when solved.  

It's important to model an idea before making a final prototype because without a model, you are unable to clearly see the final prototype and any adjustments it may or may not need. What I like about my puzzle is that all the pieces fit together well, and there are no pieces that are hard or impossible to fit together. One thing I would change if I could would be making my puzzle cube more challenging and not have it so easily solvable. 
Puzzle Piece Sketches

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