Monday, September 22, 2014

Product Improvement

The above product is our solution to tangled ear buds. The cover, which is an extra 3/4" thicker and 1/2" wider, allows the user to loop their ear buds around the knobs, with the ear buds falling through the indents. With the use of the hinges to enclose the ear buds with the cover, it can be closed with the locking mechanism in the clasp. 

Factors to consider when changing or enhancing a design would be the following; Is it realistic, is it necessary, and is it efficient? It's important to document your brainstorming process so as to not forget your ideas. Sketching provides you a visual other than your mindset, and allows you to clearly see your design (including its flaws). An effective technique my partner and I demonstrated was when we brought out an actual iPhone case and ear buds as a visual, which made the concept easier to understand. 

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