A color scheme is an arrangement or combination of colors, typically used in design. Here are a few examples of the different types of color schemes.
Analogous Colors: A analogous color scheme is a scheme with colors next to each other on the color wheel. It is used because they typically match well and create a harmonious design. Here is an example of this color scheme.
Complementary Colors: A complementary color scheme is a scheme with colors opposite of each other on the color wheel. It is used for its eye-catching look. Here is an example of this color scheme.
Color Triads: A color triad scheme is a scheme with colors evenly spaced apart on the color wheel. It is used for its vibrancy. Here is an example of this color scheme.
Split Complementary: A split complementary scheme is a scheme that is a slight variation to the complementary colors scheme, with a base color accented with two adjacent colors. It is used for its strong visual contrast. Here is an example of this color scheme.